2013年8月3日 星期六

I am depraved

I had not turned on the computer since the day we went to swimming, because I addicted to a game totally. You may think I am crazy that do nothing every day but playing game, and I agree. I concentrated on it too much, and I didn’t have any mood to do other things till clear the game.
The game named “彈丸論破”, and its animate has screen projection now. It’s a detective game, the hero and other characters are students in a high school which only allow the person who has the best and most special skill in a layer to in, for example “超高校級的偶像”. Every one waked up in a strange classroom, and confuse about the reason they are in the classroom and why the windows are all clocked by iron boards.
Suddenly, the most important character appear, it’s “黑白熊”, and it tells everyone that if you want to leave here, you have to kill someone and can’t be discovered. If there were a lifeless body was discovered, alive people will be to hold a judgement. In the judgement, they have to find out who committed a crime and vote. If the person they vote is really the assailant, every can be alive expect the assailant. What if the person they vote is not the assailant, everyone will be killed and the assailant can leave the school.
The most amazing part in the game is the method to commit the crime of course,   you will never know who is the assailant and who will be dead next. It is such an amazing game that makes me want to clear it without pause.

2013年7月24日 星期三

I had a bad dream

Dear Jamie,

I had a bad dream minutes ago. I dreamed that I got off from the Taipei Metro at the wrong station, and got on a wrong bus. I remember that I checked over and over again that the bus would go passing 永和 before I got on, but I mistook at last. However I didn’t think that I was in the wrong way, so I chatted to others happily. And last, I found everything went wrong.

The windows showed that the bus was approaching somewhere desolate, and I thought that must be 新店. Every station had a romantic name which I’d never known. And I felt so scared that I could not find out the way going home. And last, I woke up.

It’s so common for me to dream to get lost. Sometimes in 新店, and sometimes in crossroads of 中和or 土城. Once I even dreamed that I could not find a bus home in Rd. 景平, which is just behind the building I live. Do these dreams mean that I fear leaving home? And do you have a bad dream lately?



2013年7月15日 星期一

Sorry I'm late~~~

Dear Tiffany :

Last night I was called out to be tutor by my teacher suddenly and back home late, so I totally forgot to write the diary. The kids are so pitiful that need to go to school for extra class in summer vacation. They will have a repeat exam before the class begin, so my teacher called me to help them math. Though the concept isn't too difficult and the salary is high, I don't think it is a good way for them, Maybe they can dependent on the tutors in junior high, but they have to help themselves on one day . Haha~~I am so critical, it's not a good thing.

Why you go to play Tower of Saviors!!!Puzzle and Dragon is much much much better ok !!! The monsters are cuter, and events are more, the most important is PAD's company is more generous than TOS's. I really recommend you to play PAD, though it is not easy to set up and upload.

I will leave to Japan from tomorrow till 20th, of course I WON'T have dairies there,so .....if you want keep diary your own, I will not stop you XDDD.

2013年7月13日 星期六

I started to play Tower of Saviors

Dear Jamie,

Because of your suggestion, I started to play Tower of Saviors, what you said the fake version of the game you play. It took me hours to handle it, and I was totally addicted to it……until my tablet was out of energy. So I forgot writing this diary at time><

I pulled out Su Ye’s eyelashes because I wanted to replace them into the kind of artificial ones that people used to stick on their eyelids. As the picture appended, May Ye has changed into them. The original eyelashes are too strait, thick and not beautiful, so I pulled out them. However I’m too lazy to complete hole the words, so the result is what you saw last time. And the loss of her shoe is just an accident (She fell from the top of bookcase. It’s normal to lose some things like arms or legs after that, and the shoe is the least strange one).

I’ve put your nail polish in my bag and bring it everywhere, so I won’t forget it anymore. We can talk about the date of date recently. Is Jennifer serious to the plan of climbing mountains or karaoke?



Thanks for the inviting to flugle

I have heard and passed flugle so many times; however, I never visit there until yesterday. I thought my cake was delicious though Jennifer said it was too sour to her. There was really a little bit boring in flugle, you know Jennifer always likes to play with 千慈(btw,what is her English name?)and ignore us. I felt uncomfortable when taking yesterday, so......maybe it would be better if I brought the sketch book.

Su Ye looks so miserable XDDD, why she lost her shoe and eyelash ? You are not a good Mommy at all XDDD. It is wonderful to see May Ye, please show her picture to me next time.

My Tiffany blue and purple rubber bands are so fashion, aren't they? Don't you think only one color is too boring that cannot fit my style at all ? Thank you for the advice and I will prepare scissors when I go to Japan. It's such a nightmare that foods just in front of you but you are not able to eat anything. I think I may suit the life company with baby food very well.

Have a fun at UL reunion and remember to take photos, and the most importantly, do not forget bringing the nail polish to me again.


2013年7月12日 星期五

I’ll show you a picture of my daughter Su Ye

Dear Jamie,

Actually, I typed about 50 words the day before yesterday. Then I also bottlenecked. To reward your hardworking, I’ll show you a picture of my doll Su Ye, whose name means wakening up. She is now acting a women bearing violence, for her lost right eyelashes, bruise-like makeup and lost right shoe, which disappeared when she fell into a dish of salted chicken weeks ago. Isn’t she a good actress?

I’ve seen your Tiffany blue and purple rubber bands today. It’s cool but anyway I agree to Jenny, that maybe only one color is enough. They are too colorful ha ha! It must be a burden for you in the following year that mouth aching will be along with you anywhere :D My mom suggests you to make scissors good friends which can make everything fragmented and easy to swallow. For the difficulties of eating, I believe that you’ll be slimmer than now you are. Although you are slim enough!

The rain is heavy, and the wind flows. I fill so tired and wanting to sleep. Do you want to be introduced to Su Ye’s little sister May Ye next time? She is also a lovely girl!


P.S. I’ll remember to bring the nail polish to you next time, I promise.

2013年7月11日 星期四

There is no reason I am the first writer.

Hello ~ Ms Tiffany :

I remembered you had told me that you would issue the  first diary before 10:00 today, right?  Because of  no article now , I think I have the right to punish you ,LOL !!!

OK ~ I have to be more solemn due to the celebration for the opening of this blog, but it's so crazy to type in English, I can't describe and expression what I want to say accurately
such a stress !!

I went to NTU hospital to have a teeth correction , and I pick up the rubber bands in tiffany blue and purple, it's really awesome!! I will have one more chance to pick the  colorful rubber bands again, I think next time I may choose pink and sky blue XDDD.

Type  to here ,I have a realization that makes me a little bit  upset is the 200 words limit isn't easy to reach for me, from now on, I believe the most difficult part of this project is not only the  language gap but the boring dairy every day.

In the end, I hope this blog will have a continuous and effective existence, sincerely.