2013年7月15日 星期一

Sorry I'm late~~~

Dear Tiffany :

Last night I was called out to be tutor by my teacher suddenly and back home late, so I totally forgot to write the diary. The kids are so pitiful that need to go to school for extra class in summer vacation. They will have a repeat exam before the class begin, so my teacher called me to help them math. Though the concept isn't too difficult and the salary is high, I don't think it is a good way for them, Maybe they can dependent on the tutors in junior high, but they have to help themselves on one day . Haha~~I am so critical, it's not a good thing.

Why you go to play Tower of Saviors!!!Puzzle and Dragon is much much much better ok !!! The monsters are cuter, and events are more, the most important is PAD's company is more generous than TOS's. I really recommend you to play PAD, though it is not easy to set up and upload.

I will leave to Japan from tomorrow till 20th, of course I WON'T have dairies there,so .....if you want keep diary your own, I will not stop you XDDD.

