2013年7月24日 星期三

I had a bad dream

Dear Jamie,

I had a bad dream minutes ago. I dreamed that I got off from the Taipei Metro at the wrong station, and got on a wrong bus. I remember that I checked over and over again that the bus would go passing 永和 before I got on, but I mistook at last. However I didn’t think that I was in the wrong way, so I chatted to others happily. And last, I found everything went wrong.

The windows showed that the bus was approaching somewhere desolate, and I thought that must be 新店. Every station had a romantic name which I’d never known. And I felt so scared that I could not find out the way going home. And last, I woke up.

It’s so common for me to dream to get lost. Sometimes in 新店, and sometimes in crossroads of 中和or 土城. Once I even dreamed that I could not find a bus home in Rd. 景平, which is just behind the building I live. Do these dreams mean that I fear leaving home? And do you have a bad dream lately?



