2013年7月12日 星期五

I’ll show you a picture of my daughter Su Ye

Dear Jamie,

Actually, I typed about 50 words the day before yesterday. Then I also bottlenecked. To reward your hardworking, I’ll show you a picture of my doll Su Ye, whose name means wakening up. She is now acting a women bearing violence, for her lost right eyelashes, bruise-like makeup and lost right shoe, which disappeared when she fell into a dish of salted chicken weeks ago. Isn’t she a good actress?

I’ve seen your Tiffany blue and purple rubber bands today. It’s cool but anyway I agree to Jenny, that maybe only one color is enough. They are too colorful ha ha! It must be a burden for you in the following year that mouth aching will be along with you anywhere :D My mom suggests you to make scissors good friends which can make everything fragmented and easy to swallow. For the difficulties of eating, I believe that you’ll be slimmer than now you are. Although you are slim enough!

The rain is heavy, and the wind flows. I fill so tired and wanting to sleep. Do you want to be introduced to Su Ye’s little sister May Ye next time? She is also a lovely girl!


P.S. I’ll remember to bring the nail polish to you next time, I promise.

