2013年7月13日 星期六

I started to play Tower of Saviors

Dear Jamie,

Because of your suggestion, I started to play Tower of Saviors, what you said the fake version of the game you play. It took me hours to handle it, and I was totally addicted to it……until my tablet was out of energy. So I forgot writing this diary at time><

I pulled out Su Ye’s eyelashes because I wanted to replace them into the kind of artificial ones that people used to stick on their eyelids. As the picture appended, May Ye has changed into them. The original eyelashes are too strait, thick and not beautiful, so I pulled out them. However I’m too lazy to complete hole the words, so the result is what you saw last time. And the loss of her shoe is just an accident (She fell from the top of bookcase. It’s normal to lose some things like arms or legs after that, and the shoe is the least strange one).

I’ve put your nail polish in my bag and bring it everywhere, so I won’t forget it anymore. We can talk about the date of date recently. Is Jennifer serious to the plan of climbing mountains or karaoke?



